One-of-a-kind Artwork that Reflects a Lifelong Passion

Specializing in Unique Aluminum Pieces with a Fishy Flair

Recreations that Encompass Fond Memories

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"Fly fishing is much more than a hobby to me; it is the perfect excuse for adventure, serenity, the thrill of pursuit, and memories made with loved ones. I have spent more of my time chasing things with fins and scales than I would like to admit, and there isn’t a day that passes where I don’t think about that next “fish of a lifetime”, be it a giant brown trout, a tailing permit, or a wild pacific steelhead. Fish like these are some of God’s most fantastic artwork in my opinion, and I do my best to depict them in a manner that captures their true beauty. My artwork is a reflection of my passion, and I am excited to share it."

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